Spokesperson to CM and Punjab government Musarat Jamsheed Cheema in a statement said that ever since Chairman PTI Imran Khan announced to dissolve Punjab and KPK Assemblies then the PML-N leaders are making heart-rending press conferences as to how impede the dissolution process of assemblies. They are foreseeing their political downfall in the public court and whenever elections will be announced then the PDM parties will face a humiliating defeat. These thief parties are well aware of public sentiments in the given political situation and that is why they want to escape from holding early elections in the country.
Nawaz Sharif has already managed to get his whole family escaped to London. Shahbaz Sharif and the party are also following suit with Maryam’s father. Now the federal Ministers are antagonistic with one another and soon the PDM gang will start issuing inimical statements against one another. The Spokesperson Punjab government stated that soon there will be parting of the ways between the imported government and their cohorts. Imran Khan wants immediate elections in the country in order to save the country from bankruptcy and the inept as well as inefficient rulers are not inclined to hold early elections in the country.
She censured that these thieves and plunderers managed to get rupees 1100 billion NRO.Extraordinary steps are desperately needed to be taken in order to save the country from drifting towards economic quagmire. She vowed that PTI will not let the country get further ruined. Musarat Cheema categorically remarked that the ouster of the imported government along with holding transparent elections is inevitable for the survival and integrity of Pakistan.