National Assembly was informed on Thursday that four private-sector universities have established their campuses abroad.
Replying to a question during question hour, Parliamentary Secretary for Federal Education and Professional Training Wajiha Akram said that in Higher Education Sector no public sector university has been established in the foreign countries. However, four private sector universities have established their offshore campuses in the following countries Agha Khan University, Karachi offshore campus at London, UK, Greenwich University Karachi offshore campus at Mauritius and Sarhad University (SUIT) Peshawar at Ras Al-Khaimah UAE. She said that more universities were planning to open their campuses abroad.
She said that after 18th amendment to the Constitution, the subject of education has been devolved to provinces and this ministry has no mandate to open institutions abroad.
Replying to another question raised by MNA Nafeesa Inayatullah Khan Khattak, she said that Federal Directorate of Education under the ambit of ministry of federal education and professional training has initiated to execute the following two projects with a vision to integrate technology in public sector education including pilot project for blended e-learning in 200 classrooms of federal capital and pilot project of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Teaching Grade (VI-VIII) in 30 schools of FDE.