ISLAMABAD: On Wednesday, Prime Minister Imran Khan has summoned a session over preparations and festivities of Ashra e Rehmat ul lil Aalameen. Muslims celebrate ten days for recollecting teachings of the Holy Prophet SAWW) and Rabi ul Awal 12.
Earlier today, the Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) senator took to Twitter and announced that the PM has convened a huddle today. It shall deliberate over programs to be organized in the dedicated Ashra e Rehmat ul lil Alameen.
He said in his tweet that the government is organizing programs. They will be in order to to learn from the life of the Holy Prophet (SAWW).
“We are organizing ceremonies, milads and conferences for the enlightenment from the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAWW).”
In a thread of tweets, he went on that including the Prime Minister himself, all the party workers shall observe the ceremonies. All should celebrate Jashn e Eid-i-Milad-un-Nabi. It is the day of the lunar calendar when the Holy Prophet (SAWW) was born.
He said the principal ceremony will take place on 12 Rabi ul Awal. The whole nation shall also mark a holiday on that day.