ISLAMABAD: The Islamabad Citizens Committee (ICC) here on Wednesday celebrated the 76th anniversary of the Independence Day to recall the objectives of freedom movement.
It highlighted the objectives of independence movement and paid rich tributes to those who sacrificed their lives in the freedom struggle.
The event was attended by the members of the Executive Committee and distinguished guests from various walks of life. A cake was also cut to mark the Day.
The gathering of the notables passed a unanimous resolution on the occasion, pledging to work for the betterment of the motherland. The event was chaired by the ICC’s President, Syed M. Siddiq Hasan. National Anthem was played and a cake cutting ceremony was held to mark the event in a befitting manner.
The resolution says, “We were fortunate enough to get an identity of our own 76 years ago as Islamic Republic of Pakistan. This independence was achieved after countless sacrifices of our ancestors and as a result of which we can live freely in our own homeland.
To have a home, identity, is one of the most privileged things that money cannot buy. Therefore, it is up to us to make this homeland prosperous and bring deserved glory to it”.
It added, “This Independence Day, we pledge to make Pakistan proud by doing our part in our own capacity. We pledge to understand and stand by its principles, stay united and devote ourselves to the cause of working for Pakistan with dedication and sincerity.
We hope to reaffirm our commitment towards our country and pray for its safety from all kinds of evils and disasters.” It also called for upholding the golden principles, faith, unity and discipline, given by Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. It was high time for the entire nation to think for the country, realizing the sacrifices rendered by our forefathers.